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How to Make Plastic Mold According to Function?

The plastic mold consists of a movable mold and a fixed mold. The movable mold is installed on the moving template of the injection molding machine, and the fixed mold is installed on the fixed template of the injection molding machine. During injection molding, the movable mold and the fixed mold are closed to form a gating system and a cavity. When the mold is opened, the movable mold and the fixed mold are separated to take out the plastic product. Although the structure of injection molds for sale may vary depending on the variety and performance of plastics, the shape and structure of plastic products, and the type of injection machine, the basic structure is the same.

It is mainly composed of: pouring system, temperature regulation system, forming parts system, exhaust system, guiding system, ejecting system, etc. Among them, the gating system and the molding parts are the parts that are in direct contact with the plastic, and change with the plastic and the injection moulding products. They are the most complex and most variable parts in the mold, and require the highest processing finish and precision.

1. Plastic mold pouring system

The plastic mold gating system refers to the part of the runner before the plastic enters the cavity from the nozzle, including the main runner, the cold material cavity, the runner and the gate.

2. Plastic mold forming parts system

It refers to the combination of various parts that make up the shape of the product, including movable mold, fixed mold and cavity (concave mold), core (punch mold), forming rod, etc. The core forms the inner surface of the article, and the cavity (die) forms the outer surface shape of the article. After the mold is closed, the core and the cavity constitute the cavity of the mold. According to the process and manufacturing requirements, sometimes the core and the die are composed of several blocks, and sometimes they are made as a whole, and inserts are only used in the parts that are easily damaged and difficult to process.

3. Plastic mold temperature control system

In order to meet the requirements of the injection process for the mold temperature, the plastic mold factory needs a temperature adjustment system to adjust the temperature of the mold. For injection molds for thermoplastics, the cooling system is mainly designed to cool the mold (the mold can also be heated). The common method of mold cooling is to open a cooling water channel in the mold, and use the circulating cooling water to take away the heat of the mold; the heating of the mold can be installed in and around the mold in addition to using the cooling water to pass hot water or hot oil. In addition, electric heating elements can also be installed in and around the mold.

JEWARD MOULD (HUANGYAN) CO., LTD. established in 1999, is a leading manufacturer and exporter specializing in injection and blow moulding. Driven by our commitment to high quality tooling and excellent customer service, we have supplied products to more than 150 customers in 36 countries around the world. Welcome to online consultation!

No. 6 Maofeng Road, West Industrial Park, Economic Development Zone, Huangyan, Taizhou, Zhejiang, P. R. China
No. 6 Maofeng Road, West Industrial Park, Economic Development Zone, Huangyan, Taizhou, Zhejiang, P. R. China